Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Arnold no more honest than the locals?
In a new bid for relevance, the Boho has started to print a brief internal mini-tabloid called This Week, featuring The Byrne Report by Peter Byrne. Byrne's column in today's issue is titled "Pumping Poison".
Byrne charges that Governor Arnold had an apparent conflict of interest when he vetoed SB 1630, a bill affecting the use of performance-enhancing dietary supplements by student athletes. He says the Gov's Statement of Economic Interest, filed when he took office a year ago, shows he received income from 18 manufacturers and distributors of such products.
Byrne's item is worth reading, if only for its brief overview of California's Political Reform Act. TOSR hopes Boho readers remember the Fair Political Practices Commission has fined four local politicians in recent years, for conflict of interest and/or other violations: Supervisor Tim Smith; SR Councilmembers Sharon Wright and Janet Condron; and most recently, SR Planning Commissioner Dick Carlile.